Friday, March 20, 2020

OJT( On the Job Training)

Why do men insist on training their woman/or significant others to be with someone who does not show them the attention they deserve?

Maybe you are asking where all of this is coming from, and how could this be true?
I know some men might be quick to say “I am not training you do to Shit” but just hold your horses and let me tell you how you are doing this. I am not placing blame; I am just offering education.  

Men if you have a significant other and you do not treat them with love and respect, if you do not place value on them, you are essentially training them to be with and accept any old Joe.

You are teaching them that if someone else comes along it would not take great effort from the other person to REEL them in. Men please listen to me, if you never bring them flowers, if you never go that extra mile, or show them just how beautiful they are; those actions lower the requirement for the next man. 

Let me ask you a question? Would you stay at a job where the benefits sucked? I don’t think so, and if you did stay it would be because you felt you could not do any better, but in the back of your mind you would be looking and thinking about something better.

You would want a job that pays better, offers better benefits, and treats you like a person instead of a payroll number. Well this is the same with your significant other. 

Yes, I know that there are some women that do the same thing, but that’s another Blog subject for another time.

Just think about what I am saying here; for example if you are used to living in a one bedroom, one bathroom house, and someone offers you a two bedroom one-bathroom house then that seems like a better offer, it seems as if they have upgraded you, however, if you are used to a three bedroom, two and half bathroom house, then that same offer becomes less appealing unless you are looking to downsize. 

I always imagined that a person would want to upgrade themselves and their significant other. I do realize that there is a saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, but if you think about it, that man would have to be a trash treasurer if the other man’s trash is now his treasure.

I know this is a popular saying, and perhaps when it first came out it was appropriate, but this is a new era and I am here to remind you that trash is always trash and a treasure is always a treasure even if it was thrown in  or retrieved from the trash can. 

The real problem may be that the one that had the treasure may not have realized he had a treasure and he mistook it for trash! In that case, it is the stupidity of that man for not knowing the value of what he has or had.

Just because he does not treasure his treasure does not make the treasure trash.  
Case and point, if you retrieved a genuine Mona Lisa from a garbage bin still intact, does that diminish the value of the Mona Lisa, or do you pity the fool that threw it away?  

I do not think this sort of training is intentional; nevertheless, it is happening every single day. You see, this is what I call OJT (On the Job training). You train your significant other by what you do, not just by what you say. The mistreatment, the lack of affection, the detachment is all OJT (on the Job training). 

I know this is an age of Online training, but we all know that OJT, and apprenticeship programs work best. Training carried out in real life situations is proof that you know and understand what you are doing.

So, am I to believe that the reason you treat your significant other this way is due to online training and not OJT? Well the good news is that if you are still breathing you still qualify to give OJT (on the Job training).

Starting today, I mean starting right now, you can begin to implement love, affection, kindness, gifts of all kind, respect and worth to your significant other. This will train them on what to require and relieve you of any doubts of them looking for employment elsewhere! 

Jacqueline Cary
Aka wisdom

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