Saturday, April 4, 2020

Open Mind Vs Close Mind

Okay ya’ll have I been sleeping under a rock or something?
I must confess I do have a Vitamin D deficiency that comes from a lack of sunlight.
I think that some of you may think that having an open mind means a lack of (Son light).
It is my experience that Christians believe being open-minded is to allow the enemy to possess their mind. Now before you get too through with me, I am not saying that it is all Christians. I grew up as a Christian so I speak to my personal experience with those I have met.

As a Christian the enemy is the devil, I too as a child believed that, but as an adult, I no longer believe that. It is okay to change beliefs that no longer serve you or that you have outgrown.

A belief is something that you keep telling yourself repeatedly and this is why you believe it.
Why is it that we do not hesitate to throw out clothes we have outgrown, well some of us do, but we think that beliefs are permanent fixtures? Do you remember when you use to believe in the Easter Bunny, the Boogeyman, Tooth fairy, and Santa Clause?

Unknowing to us we found out later that they had agents enforcing our belief of them (our parents/other adults) all of these characters where created as a means of control and maybe just a little for fun. The Easter Bunny gave eyes to kids who were well behaved, the Boogeyman would visit bad kids, the tooth fairy was a sweet heart if you lost a tooth, and Santa must have been God because he knew if you were naughty or nice at all times. 

I am not saying that anything was wrong with this, but I am saying that at some point we outgrew our belief and faith in them.
So, just because a belief has a religious connotation does not mean it is well meaning if it causes you to think less of yourself; if it makes you feel helpless, and like a wretch. Would you then think this is worth unbelieving?
Now to me that is worth opening your mind to another thought/belief?
I know that you are probably thinking “but the Bible is real, but the Easter Bunny and Santa are man made”. I hate to burst your bubble and tell you that the Bible have several versions, and these versions have many translations, and man has a lot of input. 

Some of you, are holding your breathe right now and waiting for me to go straight to hell. Some of you are even thinking that “OMG” what has happen to her, she has a reprobate mind”. She is denying Jesus Christ. In the last days, some shall depart from the faith!

Yes, I have read all of this, but I do not live in fear because I know that God and or the Universe are not petty.
There is no-thing waiting to pounce on me for having a mind that is open to possibilities. Think about it people; what kind of people use fear as a control tactic? What kind of people say they love you, but they wrap that love in control and fear; grounded by conditions?
God, Source, or the Universe’s love for us in not grounded in conditions; conditions are something that fleshly humans use. There is no punishment for allowing ourselves to be open-minded; however, you punish yourself when you close your mind. 

Many of us would not want to work for a company that keeps us in fear, but disguise it as love, but we continually say we serve a God that is exactly the same way. Why is this so, why do we allow God to be so ready to punish?

If our minds were open, we would know that God/ Universe/ Source does not ask for service, but for living our lives in joy. If you are wondering why I say God/Universe/Source.

I do this because they are not hung-up on names or titles. I do this because people, we are the ones who like titles, and we are the ones who get upset when we are call by the incorrect title. 

If you are thinking like this, this is exactly what I mean by close-minded! Why do we want to continue to believe in a God that is so jealous and controlling that we go to hell for a thought that is deemed contrary to what is written in the Bible? 

To be CONT’D
Jacqueline Cary
Aka wisdom

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